Your child may have complained of ear pain, itch or you have noticed a foul smelling discharge, redness or swelling around or in the ear. Children with hearing loss may not know that they are unable to hear. Speech, language, social development and academics maybe subtly affected. It is important to consult ENT to rule out any underlying congenital causes, and if nasal conditions are associated
Otoscopy, microscopic examination under magnification and ear cleaning are commonly performed if you child has a ear infection. Age appropriate hearing test and nasal examination are performed when necessary.

Ear conditions:
- Ear infections (fungal, discharging, bleeding ear)
- Glue ear (otitis media with effusion)
- Wax impaction
- Foreign body ear
- Ear lumps (preauricular sinus, sebaceous cyst, dermoids)
- Ear drum perforation
- Hearing loss
- Bell’s palsy
Ear procedures:
- Ear clearning
- Removal of foreign body
- Excision biopsy
- Myringotomy and grommet tube insertion
- Ear drum repair (myringoplasty)
Nasal allergies and sinus infections are common in children. Symptoms include itchy, runny nose, nose bleed, blocked nose, snoring, mouth breathing, drooling past appropriate age, cracked lips, itchy eyes and eczema. It is important to treat the nose adequately in your child as persistent nasal symptoms are related to conditions such as asthma, snoring, sleep apnea, ear infections, dental and facial malalignment. An ENT consult with nasoscopy is advised if your child’s nasal symptoms are persistent.

Nasal conditions:
- Epistaxis (nose bleeds)
- Allergic rhinitis
- Adenoid hypertrophy (enlarged adenoids)
- Sinus infections
- Foreign bodies in nose
- Nasal bone fracture
Nasal procedures:
- Nasoscopy
- Removal of foreign body nose
- Cautery, hemostasis of nose bleeds
- Adenoidectomy
- Endoscopic volumetric reduction of inferior turbinates
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Manipulation and reduction of nasal bone fractures
A child with throat problems can present with throat discomfort, poor feeding, bad breath, decreased appetite, chronic cough or breathing problems. You may have noticed a lump in your child’s mouth or tongue. An early ENT consult is advised if your child has the above symptoms. In addition, voice disorders are also common in children. Management frequently involves behavioural and lifestyle changes.

Throat conditions:
- Tonsilitis
- Enlarged tonsils
- Foreign body
- Chronic cough
- Acid reflux
- Voice Disorders
- Tongue tie
Throat procedures:
- Tonsillectomy
- Foreign body removal
- Tongue tie release
- Excision biopsy
It is advisable to consult an ENT doctor if your child has a head and neck lump. These swellings may be present at birth or have developed in the growing years, increasing in size, painless or painful, skin-coloured or bluish, or are recurrent and persistent despite medication. Imaging scans maybe required in some cases.

Neck conditions:
- Cervical lymph nodes
- Atypical mycobacteria infections
- Thyroglossal duct cyst
- Dermoid
- Branchial cleft cysts
Neck procedures:
- Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
- Incisional biopsy
- Excisional biopsy

Dr Soon Sue Rene
Adj Asst Prof
MBBS (S’pore)
MRCS (Edin)
MMED-ORL (S’pore)
FAMS-ORL (S’pore)
- ENT Surgeon with special interest in Adult and Children Ear Nose Throat Conditions
- Experienced In treating young children
- Specialised in Minimally Invasive Snoring & Sleep Apnea Techniques
- Instructor and Speaker At International Sleep Conferences
- Internationally trained in Canada, Italy & Taiwan
Dr Soon Sue Rene
Senior Consultant
MBBS (S’pore)
MRCS (Edin)
MMED-ORL (S’pore)
FAMS-ORL (S’pore)
- ENT Surgeon with special interest in Adult and Children Ear Nose Throat Conditions
- Experienced In treating young children
- Specialised in Minimally Invasive Snoring & Sleep Apnea Techniques
- Instructor and Speaker At International Sleep Conferences
- Internationally trained in Canada, Italy & Taiwan

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